Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A trip to the Yarn Shop and a few Projects...

Today I'm at work, but on my lunch I'm heading to the yarn shop. I'm SO excited. First of all, this isn't the place where you bring kids so I could never bring my munchkins there. Whenever I DO go, I leave them with my husband for a "quick" trip. Today - I can take my time. I know exactly what I'm going in for so I'll be grabbing that and then browsing and finally having a chance to see what this shop really has. I can't wait! Is it lunchtime yet??

So here are my work in progress' at the moment...

The beginning of Shorties in Laines Magnifiques Olivia Colorway:

The waistband for soon to be choo choo train shorties:

And to be started soon, Iced Giraffes!

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